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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading: 29% | Distinguished Reading: 17% | Proficient Math: 28% | Distinguished Math: 19% |

2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 34% | Middle 30% | High 32%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 27% | Middle 25% | High 19%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 36% | Middle 35% | High 28%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 22% | Middle 17% | High 17%

National Honor Society

Sponsor:  Mrs. Megan Jones


President Abi Brown

Vice President Breanna Maidens

Secretary Abigail Campbell

Historian Elaina Gross

President-elect Britney Ampadu


All members need 15 hours per semester of service. You must participate in at least one NHS service project or activity during the year as well. Any service that a student does for school or the community without receiving compensation (pay) can be counted as service hours.

All members are required to pay $50 dues to NHS in order to cover costs that the organization will incur throughout the school year.


Criteria for National Honor Society

Applications for membership are sent via qualifying students’ emails at the end of January (Sophomores and Juniors with a 3.8 unweighted GPA). Any applications received through the mail are for honor societies NOT affiliated with National Honor Society or Conner High School.


Minimum unweighted grade point average of 3.8. (beginning with grade 10)


  • willingness to render service to the school and community when called upon.
  • must complete 15 hours of community service to graduate with "honors".
  • willingness to do committee or staff work
  • readiness to show courtesy by assisting visitors, teacher and other students.


  • demonstrates leadership in the classroom or organization of work.
  • demonstrates leadership in promotion of school activities.
  • successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility.
  • exemplifies positive qualities and attitude.


  • meets pledges and responsibilities to the school promptly.
  • demonstrates highest standards of honesty and reliability.
  • cooperates with school regulations.
  • demonstrates concern for others.


  • Members who fall below the standards in which were a basis for selection shall receive a written notice that they have one semester to correct the problem. A flagrant violation of school rules or civil laws automatically results in dismissal without written warning. Once a student is dismissed or resigns, they are never eligible for membership.